"Effective ways to procrastinate"

Training date:
- Date: May 2021
- Time: 16.00-19.00
- Date: May 2021
- Time: 16.00-19.00
Purpose of the training
- The participant will learn what procrastination is, what it does with us and what can be done with it;
- In addition, he will know how to work on motivation – he will learn techniques to motivate himself and his colleagues;
- The participant will be equipped with knowledge and tools in the fight against procrastination in the context of effective work and not postponing matters.

Training program
Basic level:
Module I (Theory: Brief Introduction):
- What is procrastination?
- The procrastination mechanism.
Module II (Causes of Procrastination):
- Fear of the world and people (success, failure, change).
- Low self-esteem.
- A feeling of unreality and unattainability of the goal.
- A sense of high personal cost.
Module III (How to recognize “demons”?):
- How to get started with this topic?
- Five Steps to Working Effectively with Mental Programs.
- Overview of the mechanism of changing mental habits (psychological and neurological mechanism of the action of affirmation):
- Step 1: Give yourself time / acceptance (for what, what and why),
- Step 2: Recognizing negative beliefs,
- Step 3: Listing of thought,
- Step 4 Formulating an affirmation,
- Step 5. Supervision and mentoring,
Module IV (Tools):
- Affirmations (NLP).
- Rationalization of positive content.
- Creative visualization.
- Mindfulness Meditation.
- Techniques of “taming” the goal and success.
- Association tests and more.
Advanced level:
Module I-IV (reminder + practical work on thematic areas, i.e. theory and insight)
Module V (Personal Development vs Psychotherapy):
- Therapeutic aspects of personal development (or how to recognize that “positive thinking” is not enough),
- Basics of “managing” the inner voice
Module V (EGO in business and goals, i.e. heart or mind in business):
- Bright and shadows of a strong Ego.
- How to balance the role of heart and mind?
- When should we follow our heart and when should we use reason?
- How to recognize a bloated ego and how to prevent it?
- Depending on:
o For believers (the role of God in business and in “taming” the ego).
o For the laity (the role of Love in business and the “taming” of the ego).
About the method
Happiness is a choice. Action and not action are also a choice. What can you realistically expect from this program?
You will get practical self-discovery (diagnostic) tools as well as basic tools that will require regular and systematic personal work from you. Nothing will do itself here. Working with and after the training material is a process of mental change. It can be spread over time. It will certainly require a lot of commitment, determination and persistence. When you meet these conditions, the expected results will appear.
In addition, the training will cover work / life patterns, mental maps, the ability to let go reasonably, recognition techniques (when to let go and when to go further). What to change to run without pressure? How to maintain a healthy balance in life to avoid frustration, burnout, dissatisfaction, etc
Sylwetka trenera

Adam Kin – body work therapist, breathing trainer, master of physiotherapy, regressor, author of the Progressive System Settings methodology and the Master Life Guide and Meditation. He works with the method of B. Hellinger’s Silent Constellations.
Involved in the mission of awakening the individual’s awareness, making people aware of the huge role of therapeutic and spiritual practices in personal development. In his work, he combines the achievements of modern psychology with parapsychological and spiritual knowledge. He draws from the rich heritage of many cultures, choosing practices that he believes are safe and support development.
Additional information
- Additional information
- Mode: online
- Duration:
Basic level: 2x 2 days (2x 3h)
Advanced level: 2x 2 days (2x 3h)
- Number of participants: min 20 people.
- Number of trainers: 1
- Certificate: YES
- Language of the training: Polish
- Training price:
Basic level: PLN 129 net (+ 23% VAT)
Advanced level: PLN 169 net (+ 23% VAT)