Systemic school

Systemic school

Objective of the grant project: developing, in cooperation with a transnational partner, mobile tools enabling remote education of entrepreneurs and deepening their competences in the field of company development

The goal will be achieved through: joint development and implementation of new solutions with a partner

The new solution “Systemic School” will be introduced into the practical activities of Grupa Profesja, as part of supporting the entrepreneurship development of MSMEs in Poland.

The target group of the grant project are people running a business, a micro-enterprise, including people with disabilities. The basic problem of microenterprises (including sole proprietorships) is the issue of company survival. The most common reasons for closing companies include the lack of financial resources for development and strategic plans, inability to manage the company in the long term, lack of knowledge or information on basic economic and legal issues related to entrepreneurship.

As part of the project, a new solution will be created – a platform and a mobile application, it will be created to extend bridging support for entrepreneurs benefiting from funding under projects, and for companies not covered by this type of support – it will be a valuable and innovative source of knowledge.

The solution developed with a transnational partner can also be used, for example, by institutions in the areas of formal education, in entrepreneurship lessons, and in educating students of social and economic faculties.

Grant project implementation period: 2020-03-02 do 2020-02-28

The area of the grant project implementation: województwo lubuskie

Project implemented in partnership:

Grupa Profesja – Project leader


H2 Learning – Project partner from Ireland

Target group: people running a business, including people aged 18-64 with disabilities, with psychophysical limitations.

An innovative tool:

The tool will offer a free opportunity to participate in short, remote training forms at any time as well as contact experts and consulting individual problem situations related to running a business. Everything to enable remote education for entrepreneurs to deepen their competences in the field of company development management.

The tool will consist of two parts: technical, including the development of elements and functions of the platform also in the mobile version – and substantive, including the development of a package of short, thematic and interactive educational and information materials that can be played on mobile devices in an audiovisual form.

The platform and the application will enable convenient use of the materials. Educational sources will be grouped thematically and divided into industry and general development, the content will be gradually changed. Examples of thematic areas: law, marketing, management, external support and business.

Activities undertaken as part of the project:

The solution will be developed in close cooperation with a transnational partner that has extensive experience in the field of digital education.

Testing the innovative method: The solution will be tested on 12 people from the group of professionally activated people.

Final development of the final version of the platform and mobile application and making it available to the participants of the standard project.

About the transnational partner:

Name: H2 Learning

Address: Crane Street, Dublin 8, IE021-Dublin, Ireland


H2 Learning provides a wide range of high-quality digital education services. It has experience in designing and creating modern training tools for business. Specialized in the modern educational B-learning method (mixed learning), using new media with much more freedom than traditional training, which increases the effectiveness of supporting young entrepreneurs with experience.

The Irish partner is a specialist in the use of modern information and communication technologies in the programs of primary and secondary schools, universities, training courses and industry courses. The organization has developed a number of proprietary tools and methods recommended by the European Commission, it is a strategic partner within Erasmus +. Through research and professional development, it wants to contribute to the improvement of education on a national and global scale, to promote skills and learning in the 21st century.

It focuses on teachers being fully equipped with the knowledge, trust and competences needed to prepare students for the modern economy and society.

The partner also has a website:  and is active in social media:

The platform for remote education and support for entrepreneurs responds to the challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe.

As part of the project, the Profesja Group combines traditional classroom training in the basics of entrepreneurship (conducted as part of a standard project) with a modern form of educational activity conducted remotely using information technologies (conducted as part of a grant project). Both forms of training available to project participants create the so-called blended learning method. It has specific advantages, first of all, it allows a flexible way of designing and implementing training, taking into account the needs of the group of participants, goals, topics, and the specificity of a given industry. The advantage of B-learning is the ability to communicate using modern media, online contacts with a trainer, industry expert or other entrepreneurs (networking). The organization of training as part of B-learning is not forced, it is limited by the possibilities of training participants (time, place), I give much more freedom than traditional training, which increases the effectiveness of supporting young entrepreneurs.

Systemic school