Wielkopolska on “YES” for young disabled people
The implementer of the project “Wielkopolska on „YES” for young disabled people” is Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o. Project implemented by the European Social Fund, Priority Axis 1: Young people on the labor market, Action 3 Support for young people in particularly difficult situations, Action 1 Support from the European Social Fund.
Co-financing amount PLN 1,743,688.21
Apply to the project!
The aim of the project is to support the individual and comprehensive vocational and educational activation of 120 young and disabled people (including 66 women and 54 men), aged 18-29, including those belonging to the group NEETs (102 persons) who lost employment in Supported Work Establishments (professionally inactive, jobseeker and unregistered in Poviat labor office and people in a difficult situation on the labor market) through growth and permanent educational and professional integration.
Who is the project addressed to?
The support offered under the project is directed to people who:
- have the status of a disabled person
- lost their jobs at Supported Work Establishments within 2 years prior to joining the project
- they do not study (they do not go to any school or, for example, training)
- they live in the Wielkopolskie Voivodship
- are between 18 and 29 years old
- are economically inactive or in work, but are in a difficult situation on the labor market
What can you gain by participating in the project?
We offer project participants: career counseling, coaching, courses / trainings (training scholarship), internships (scholarship PLN 997.44), reimbursement of travel costs, meals during training.
As part of the project, each of the 120 participants will receive support in the form of:
- individual career counseling – development of IPD (3 hours)
- jobcoaching (5 hours)
- group activation workshops (5 days)
- job placement (3 hours)
- vocational courses with a paid training scholarship
In addition, 102 participants will be directed to complete a 6-month professional internship. Jobcoach support (3h / person) will be continued during the internship.
How to apply to the project?
People interested in the project are invited to the office in Poznań : ul. Sieradzka 4c, 60-163 Poznań.
Do you need more information about the project?
Contact us!
We invite you to the Project Wielkopolska on „YES” for young disabled people Office:
address: ul. Sieradzka 4c, 60-163 Poznań
email: projekty@grupaprofesja.com
mob.: 577 666 854