We are spreading career wings

We are spreading career wings

We are spreading career wings – increasing the level of vocational education in the Complex of Construction and Wood Schools in Poznań

The project “We are spreading career wings – increasing the level of vocational education in the Complex of Construction and Wood Schools in Poznań” is implemented under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014 – 2020. Priority axis 08. Education, Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market, Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition procedure.
Project value: PLN 761,342.45, EU contribution: PLN 684,487.45.

What is the purpose of the project „We are spreading career wings”?

The aim of the project “We are spreading career wings – raising the level of vocational education at the Complex of Construction and Wood Schools in Poznań” is to increase the quality of professional education of the Complex of Construction and Wood Schools through cooperation with companies from the construction and wood industries, organization of internships for 70 (10 women, 60 men) students at the employers’ premises, additional equipment and modernization of workshop, raising the qualifications of teachers of vocational subjects and educational and vocational counseling for students.

What will the project participants gain?

  • Free vocational courses – Project participants will have the opportunity to raise their professional qualifications and increase their chances of future employment.
  • Professional internships – it is an opportunity to gain new professional experience. Interns receive internship scholarships in the amount of PLN 1,500.00 net for 150 hours of internship.
  • Individual career counseling – an experienced Career Counselor will help Project Participants to identify strengths and weaknesses and plan further actions, find a job as soon as possible.

Who can benefit from the support offered under the project?

The project is directed to students of the Complex of Construction and Wood Schools named after Bolesław I the Brave. Due to the nature of the Project, the recruitment is closed and will be conducted by the Partner, ie CCWS, among the students of the School.

The project is planned for a total of 70 people, including 10 women and 60 men.

Do you have questions about the project?

Contact the project  “We are spreading career wings – raising the level of vocational education at the Construction and Wood School Complex in Poznań” office:

ul. Sieradzka 4c, 60-163 Poznań
Phone 61 662-11-60
Mail projekty@grupaprofesja.com



In connection with the implementation of the project “We are spreading career wings” (No. RPWP.08.03.01-30-0061 / 18), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund: under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020, Axis priority 08. Education Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition mode, we invite you to submit offers for the supply of professional studio equipment, in accordance with the subject of research specified in the market research.

Documents to download:

Rozeznanie rynku – stoły


In connection with the implementation of the project “We are spreading career wings – increasing the level of vocational education at the Complex of Construction and Wood Schools in Poznań” (No. RPWP.08.03.01-30-0061 / 18), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund: within the framework of the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 08. Education Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition procedure. The beneficiary updates the support schedule: Forklift operator training – practice

Documents to download:

Kurs operatora wózków widłowych – praktyka


In connection with the implementation of the project “We are spreading career wings – increasing the level of vocational education at the Complex of Construction and Wood Schools in Poznań” (No. RPWP.08.03.01-30-0061 / 18), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund: within the framework of the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 08. Education Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition procedure. The beneficiary updates the support schedule: vocational courses.

Documents to download:

Kurs spawania

Kurs operatora wózka widłowego

Warsztaty – doradztwo zawodowe


In connection with the implementation of the project “We are spreading career wings – increasing the level of vocational education at the Complex of Construction and Wood Schools in Poznań” (No. RPWP.08.03.01-30-0061 / 18), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund: within the framework of the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 08. Education Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition procedure. The beneficiary updates the support schedule: vocational courses

Documents to download:



In connection with the implementation of the project “We are spreading career wings – increasing the level of vocational education at the Complex of Construction and Wood Schools in Poznań” (No. RPWP.08.03.01-30-0061 / 18), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund: within the framework of the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 08. Education Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition procedure. The beneficiary updates the support schedule: Vocational Counseling – individual counseling, professional courses for teachers.

Documents to download:

Harmonogram realizacji wsparcia – Szkolenia dla nauczycieli

Harmonogram realizacji wsparcia – Warsztaty z doradcą zawodowym

Harmonogram realizacji wsparcia – indywidualne doradztwo zawodowe


In connection with the implementation of the project “We are spreading career wings” (No. RPWP.08.03.01-30-0061 / 18), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund: under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020, Axis priority 08. Education Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition procedure. We invite you to submit offers for the provision of professional training services in the field of: CAD, Revit Architecture or equivalent, Autodesk Inventor or equivalent, Norma PRO or equivalent, according to the subject of research specified in the market intelligence.

Documents to download:


In connection with the implementation of the project “We are spreading career wings” (No. RPWP.08.03.01-30-0061 / 18), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund: under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020, Axis priority 08. Education Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition procedure. We invite you to submit offers for the provision of professional training services in the field of: CAD, Revit Architecture or equivalent, Autodesk Inventor or equivalent, Norma PRO or equivalent, according to the subject of research specified in the market intelligence.

Documents to download:
ROZEZNANIE_RSK_kursy zawodowe


In connection with the implementation of the project “We are spreading career wings” (No. RPWP.08.03.01-30-0061 / 18), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund: under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020, Axis priority 08. Education Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition procedure. We invite you to submit offers for the provision of vocational English training services, in accordance with the subject of the research defined in the market research.

Documents to download:
ROZEZNANIE_RSK_kursy jezyka angielskiego


In connection with the implementation of the project “We are spreading career wings” (No. RPWP.08.03.01-30-0061 / 18), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund: under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020, Axis priority 08. Education Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition procedure. we invite you to submit offers regarding an order for the purchase of school textbooks, in accordance with the subject of research specified in the market research.

Documents to download:

In connection with the implementation of the project “We are spreading career wings” (No. RPWP.08.03.01-30-0061 / 18), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund: under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020, Axis priority 08. Education Action: 08.03. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market Sub-measure: 08.03.01. Vocational education of young people – competition procedure. we invite you to submit offers for the provision of professional counselor services (individual and group), in accordance with the subject of the research specified in the market research.

Documents to download:
Rozeznanie rynku_doradztwo zawodowe_Rozwijamy skrzydła kariery


Downloadable documents will soon be available here.

We are spreading career wings