Sandra Zakrzewska - Grupa Profesja

Sandra Zakrzewska

About the trainer

Area of specialization: Cognitive-behavioral work in the area of brain activity, which affects thoughts, beliefs about oneself and the world, and thus their self-esteem, the ability to deal with negative emotions and stress, and systemic work in the area of human functioning in relations with others and the way it communicates. Stress prevention. Experience: The above activities allow her to work with low self-esteem, negative beliefs about herself and the world, experiencing difficult emotions including coping with stress, problems in functioning in relationships with others in various contexts - also in the place. What training can she conduct:
  • Dealing with stress at work - effective methods to regain efficiency and peace of mind
  • Preventively stress-free. How to avoid stress and negative thinking about yourself?
  • Stop Worrying! ABCD of Emotions
  • Effective communication or how to avoid conflicts in a group?
  • Motivation and procrastination at work. How to be motivated and not procrastinate?
  • Take care of yourself - your brain, body and diet. Development workshops for better efficiency and well-being.


Sandra Zakrzewska

Stress management

Sandra Zakrzewska


Sandra Zakrzewska

Systemic work

Additional information

  • Master of Psychology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
  • Completion of two-year school of Emotional Focused Therapy
  • Completion of a 4-year Individual, Group and Family Psychotherapy Course in a systemic approach
  • Completion of a one-year course of Rational Behavior Therapy

Participation in a 5-year research project – NCN OPUS grant No. 2011/03 / B / HS6 / 01884 “Identity creation mechanisms in adolescence” for the years 2012 – 2015 in the field of creating databases and conducting research among young people – students of junior high schools, high schools and vocational schools in Poznań.