Silesian Center of Perspectives - Grupa Profesja
Silesian Center of Perspectives

Silesian Center of Perspectives

Silesian Center of Perspectives – project co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Program of the Śląskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020. Number and name of the Priority axis Priority axis VII. Regional labor market, Measure: 7.1 Active forms of counteracting unemployment, Sub-measure: 7.1.3 Improving the employability of jobseekers and the unemployed.

The amount of co-financing from the EU: PLN 787,658.06

A chance for a change in your professional life!

New qualifications – new job.

The aim of the project is to motivate and activate the inhabitants of the following municipalities: Bobrowniki, Siewierz, Psary, Mierzęcice, Ożarowice, Świerklaniec, Woźniki, who are over 30, are not working or are professionally inactive.
As part of the project, participants will be directed to a series of individual and group classes conducted by career counselors, employment agents and psychologists, during which, based on the collected information, an individual action plan will be prepared for each participant, allowing the participant to be guided to further stages of recruitment. Depending on their needs, participants are directed to vocational courses, internships, and subsidized employment. Vocational courses carried out under the project (excluding the driving license) will end with an external exam and the issuance of a certificate / certificate confirming obtaining qualifications in the profession.

Who can take part in the project?

We invite people who are over 30 years of age, who are not working or professionally inactive and who live in one of the municipalities: Bobrowniki, Siewierz, Psar, Mierzęcice, Ożarowice, Świerklaniec, and Woźniki to participate in the project Śląskie Centrum Perspektywy. Support will be granted to people who meet all three criteria (age, labor market status, place of residence).

What can project participants benefit from?

We offer project participants free of charge support, which includes;

  • meetings with a career counselor
  • vocational courses with a scholarship of PLN 532 + catering during classes
  • paid professional internship: PLN 997 + reimbursement of travel costs PLN 150
  • employment subsidies; PLN 2176 + reimbursement of travel costs PLN 150

What do you have to do to take part in the project?

Persons interested in the project who meet the above-mentioned conditions are invited to read the Recruitment Regulations and download and return the completed Application Form to the following address: Documents can also be submitted in person at the Project Office of the Silesian Perspektywy Center, located in Chorzów, ul. Katowicka 115/119

Do you have questions about the project? Contact us!

We cordially invite you to the Project of the Silesian Center of Perspectives Office

address: ul. Katowicka 115/119, Chorzów
mob.:  577 888 627  lub  882 503 506



In connection with the implementation of the project “Śląskie Centrum Perspektywy” (No. RPSL.07.01.03-24-0557 / 17), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis VII. Regional labor market Measure: 7.1 Active forms of counteracting unemployment Sub-measure: 7.1.3 Improving the employability of jobseekers and the unemployed, we invite you to submit offers for vocational courses / training along with the final exams and issuing certificates leading to professional qualifications for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research specified in the research of the market.

Documents to download:
Rozeznanie Rynku- ŚCP listopad 2019r_


In connection with the implementation of the project RPSL. 07.01.03-24-0557 / 17 pt. “Silesian Center of Perspectives”, co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020. Number and name of the Priority axis Priority axis VII. Regional labor market, Measure: 7.1 Active forms of counteracting unemployment, Sub-measure: 7.1.3 Improving the employability of jobseekers and the unemployed, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of psychologist services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.

Documents to download:
Rozeznanie Rynku- psycholog – Śląskie Centrum Persektyw


In connection with the implementation of the project RPSL. 07.01.03-24-0557 / 17 pt. “Silesian Center of Perspectives”, co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020. Number and name of the Priority axis Priority axis VII. Regional labor market, Measure: 7.1 Active forms of counteracting unemployment, Sub-measure: 7.1.3 Improving the employability of jobseekers and the unemployed, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of professional counseling services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.

Documents to download:
Rozeznanie Rynku- doradztwo zawodowe – Śląskie Centrum Perspektyw


In connection with the implementation of the project ” Silesian Center of Perspectives” (No. RPSL.07.01.03-24-0557 / 17), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis VII. Regional labor market Measure: 7.1 Active forms of counteracting unemployment Sub-measure: 7.1.3 Improving the employability of jobseekers and the unemployed, we invite you to submit offers for vocational courses / training along with the final exams and issuing certificates leading to professional qualifications for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research specified in the research of the market.

Documents to download:
Rozeznanie Rynku-Kursy zawodowe/szkolenia_Śląskie Centrum Perspektyw


In connection with the implementation of the project “Śląskie Centrum Perspektywy” (No. RPSL.07.01.03-24-0557 / 17), co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis VII. Regional labor market Measure: 7.1 Active forms of counteracting unemployment Sub-measure: 7.1.3 Improving the employability of jobseekers and the unemployed, we invite you to submit offers for vocational courses / training along with the final exams and issuing certificates leading to professional qualifications for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research specified in the research of the market.

Documents to download:
Rozeznanie Rynku_kursy zawodowe_Śląskie Centrum Perspektyw


In connection with the implementation of the project RPSL. 07.01.03-24-0557 / 17 pt. “Silesian Center of Perspectives”, co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020. Number and name of the Priority axis Priority axis VII. Regional labor market, Measure: 7.1 Active forms of counteracting unemployment, Sub-measure: 7.1.3 Improving employability of jobseekers and the unemployed, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of vocational training services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.

Documents to download:
Rozeznanie Rynku_szkolenia zawodowe_Śląskie Centrum Perspektyw


In connection with the implementation of the project RPSL. 07.01.03-24-0557 / 17 pt. “Silesian Center of Perspectives”, co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020. Number and name of the Priority axis Priority axis VII. Regional labor market, Measure: 7.1 Active forms of counteracting unemployment, Sub-measure: 7.1.3 Improving employability of jobseekers and the unemployed, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of vocational training services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.

Documents to download:
Rozeznanie Rynku_szkolenia zawodowe_Śląskie Centrum Perspektyw


In connection with the implementation of the RPSL project. 07.01.03-24-0557 / 17 pt. “Silesian Center of Perspectives”, co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020. Number and name of the Priority axis Priority axis VII. Regional labor market, Measure: 7.1 Active forms of counteracting unemployment, Sub-measure: 7.1.3 Improving the employability of jobseekers and the unemployed, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of professional counseling services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.

Documents to download:
Rozeznanie rynku w ramach projektu Śląskie Centrum Perspektyw wraz z załącznikami


In connection with the implementation of the project RPSL. 07.01.03-24-0557 / 17 pt. “Silesian Center of Perspectives”, co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020. Number and name of the Priority axis Priority axis VII. Regional labor market, Measure: 7.1 Active forms of counteracting unemployment, Sub-measure: 7.1.3 Improving the employability of jobseekers and the unemployed, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of psychologist services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.

Documents to download:
Rozeznanie rynku w ramach projektu Śląskie Centrum Perspektyw wraz z załącznikami.


Formularz zgłoszeniowy

Regulamin rekrutacji do projektu Śląskie Centrum Perspektyw

Regulamin warunków uczestnictwa w projekcie Śląskie Centrum Perspektyw

Silesian Center of Perspectives