Honest work pays off II
Honest work pays off, the project is carried out in partnership with the Foundation for Social Participation from Poznań.
The amount of co-financing from the EU: PLN 940,498.65
“No” to social exclusion!
The aim of the project is to increase employment among people affected by and at risk of poverty and social exclusion.
The project is aimed at 66 people (35F / 31M) at risk of poverty and / or social exclusion due to disability, living in the Bytów poviat.
Who can take part in the project?
The project may be attended by people who meet the following criteria:
- people with disabilities
- unemployed or economically inactive people
- with a low level of education and no professional qualifications
- living (in accordance with the Civil Code, i.e. studying, working or living) in the Bytów poviat in the following communes:
- Bytów,
- Kołczygłowy,
- Miastko,
- Parchowo,
- Studzienice
- Trzebielino,
- Tuchomie,
- Borzytuchom,
- Czarna Dąbrówka.
What can project participants benefit from?
- individual meetings with a specialist in identifying the needs of the target group
- individual career counseling
- individual meetings with a psychologist
- individual meetings with a lawyer
- ndividual meetings with an employment agent
- group workshops: Development of personal and social competences and emotional health
- group workshops: Active job seeking techniques
- group workshops: Social integration and environmental animation
- group volunteering
- training and vocational courses
- 6-month professional internship (internship scholarship PLN 1017.40 / month) + reimbursement of travel costs for the internship PLN 90 / month
- accident insurance
Do you have any questions?
Contact the project office
Fundacja Partycypacji Społecznej
ul. 1 Maja 11/2, Bytów 77-100
Telefon: 733 222 736
E-mail: bytow@fundacja-spoleczna.pl
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the benefit conducting trainings / courses,
in accordance with the subject matter described in the appendix.
Rozeznanie rynku – Pracownik administracyjno-biurowy
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of training / courses,
in accordance with the subject of research described in the appendix.
Rozeznanie rynku – Pracownik Gospodarczy z uprawnieniami energetycznymi
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of training / courses,
in accordance with the subject of research described in the appendix.
Rozeznanie rynku – Przedstawiciel handlowy
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of training / courses,
in accordance with the subject of research described in the appendix.
Rozeznanie-rynku-animator czasu wolnego
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the implementation of training / vocational courses,
in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the attachments:
Rozeznanie – przeprowadzanie szkoleń/kursów
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the implementation of training / vocational courses,
in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the attachments:
Rozeznanie – prac. gospodarczy z uprawnieniami energetycznymi
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the implementation of training / vocational courses,
in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the attachments:
Rozeznanie – pomoc kuchenna z uprawnieniami energetycznymi
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the implementation of training / vocational courses,
in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the attachments:
Rozeznanie – pracownik administracyjno-biurowy
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of career counselor services,
in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the attachments:
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of psychological services,
in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the attachments:
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the implementation of training / vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Rozeznanie rynku prac. administracyjno-biurowy ECCC
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the implementation of training / vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Rozeznanie rynku – prac. gospodarczy z uprawnieniami energetycznymi
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the implementation of training / vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Rozeznanie rynku prac. administracyjno-biurowy ECCC
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the implementation of training / vocational courses,
in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.
Rozeznanie rynku – prac. gospodarczy
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the implementation of training / vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Rozeznanie rynku – pracownik administracyjno-biurowy ECCC
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-action: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the implementation of training / vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Rozeznanie rynku_Uczciwa praca się opłaca II
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of career counseling services, in accordance with the subject of the research described in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Rozeznanie rynku – doradca zawodowy_Uczciwa praca się opłaca II
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPPM.06.01.02-22-0041 / 17 pt. “Honest work pays off II” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020: Priority axis 06. Integration, Action: 06.01. Active integration, Sub-measure: 06.01.02. Social and professional activation, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of psychological services, in accordance with the subject of research described in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Rozeznanie rynku – psycholog Uczciwa praca się opłaca II
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