Academy of New Opportunities
Project no.: RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229/19
Co-financing amount: 916 013,04
Total project value: 1 077 662,40
Partner: Fundacja FIPI
Implementation period: 01.07.2021 – 31.10.2022
Realization area: pilski, chodzieski, czarnkowsko-trzcianecki, wągrowiecki, szamotulski, grodziski, złotowski, nowotomyski, obornicki
Details on the implementation area can be found in the file: Akademia Nowych Szans – obszar realizacji
Goal of the project
Social and / or educational and vocational activation and preparation for employment by 100 people (61F / 39M) residing in the Greater Poland Voivodeship within the meaning of the Civil Code, at risk of poverty or social exclusion, unemployed or professionally inactive.
Target group
The project is addressed to 100 unemployed people (9F/6M) or professionally inactive (52F/33M), aged 18-64, at risk of poverty or social exclusion (61F/39M), residing in the Greater Poland Voivodeship within the meaning of the Civil Code, including:
- 100 people using social assistance benefits in accordance with the Act of March 12, 2004 on social assistance or qualifying for social assistance support (61F/39M)
- min. 6 people with a moderate degree of disability (4F/2M)
- min 4 people with a significant degree of disability, people with multiple disabilities, with intellectual disability (3F/1M)
- at least 10 people with mental disorders or people with pervasive developmental disorders (7F/3M)
- min. 10 people using POPŻ (6F/4M)
- at least 10 people meeting the conditions of poverty, experiencing multiple social exclusion understood as exclusion due to more than one premise (6F/4M)
Forms of support
Individual Advisory Support for 100 participants (participation in the support is obligatory):
- Individual meetings with a psychologist 3h / person.
- Individual meetings with a career counselor, 3h / person.
Group Advisory Support for 100 participants (participation in the support is obligatory):
- Training of social competences and skills – 3 days.
- Group workshops on active job search – 2 days.
Professional activation:
- Vocational courses / training (60 people). According to the planned path of professional development.
- Individual consultations with an employment agent for 60 people (3h / person);
- 3-month internship for 80 people (internship scholarship in the amount of PLN 1,440 net per month).
The Project Participant has the right to:
- Participation in the project and using the forms of support planned in the Project;
- Receipt of free training materials;
- Receive, at the request of a project participant, a certificate of participation in the activities under the Project;
- Receiving a certificate of completing vocational training or internship provided for under the Project;
- Receipt of a training scholarship in the case of a referral by the Organizer for vocational training for 60 people (9.60 PLN net / h), (average 100 hours of training);
- Receipt of an internship scholarship if the Organizer is referred for a professional internship (the internship scholarship is a maximum of PLN 1,440.00 net / month);
- Resignation from participation in the project if the Participant undertakes employment during the project or starts business activity by the Participant.
- Receipt of reimbursement of travel costs and meals during group classes.
About partner
FIPI is entered in the Register of Training Institutions (2.30 / 00196/2015) and in the National Register of Employment Agencies MGPIPS (certificate No. 12232). Since 2015, it has been active, among others, in the field of and for the equalization of opportunities for groups at risk of exclusion and professional integration of the unemployed, economically inactive, at risk of social exclusion, and the disabled. It implements its statutory objectives by conducting educational activities (both in the field of soft, social and professional competences) and supporting participants in gaining professional experience (by supporting entrepreneurship and expanding the network of cooperation with entrepreneurs offering professional internship organizations). FIPI has experience in the implementation of professional activation activities co-financed from EU funds, including the ESF. Projects implemented so far by FIPI, under which support was provided for a total of 265 (including people from the NEET group, people with disabilities, people with low qualifications): – Lubuski Career Development Institute a comprehensive program of professional activation of people from the NEETPOWR group. 01.02.02-08- 0031 / 16- A recipe for business! RPWP.06.03.02-30-0029 / 16- Wielkopolski Patent for business RPWP.06.03.01-30-0094 / 17 All the assumed indicators were achieved in all implemented projects.
FIPI works with a team of trainers and specialists who have min. one year of experience in working on ESF projects with the achievement of employment rates, higher education, knowledge of the OP KED and ROP guidelines. Maria Tandeck, President of the Management Board, involved in the implementation of EU-funded projects since 2011, MA in law, experience in working with international institutions, including in the European Parliament.
FIPI works with a group of volunteers, advisers, intermediaries, trainers, psychologists and coordinators. All min. one year of experience in working on ESF projects with the achievement of employment rates, higher education, knowledge of the guidelines and procedures of OP KED and ROP.
The seat of the Foundation is in Poznań. They rent an office space with access to the full office infrastructure (workstations equipped with computers, a multifunction device, telephones). The restaurant is adapted to the needs of disabled people (entrance to the building adapted to the needs of wheelchair users, office on the ground floor, access to the training room on the ground floor, toilet adapted to the needs of wheelchair users). FIPI focuses on field support, using direct contact with students. FIPI rents the necessary equipment for activation along with a training room or lends it from partner companies (potential at www.fundacja-spoleczna.pl). Local activities, which are also fully adapted to the needs of the disabled (no barriers), will be earmarked for the implementation of project activities.
The project activities will be implemented in premises that are fully adapted to the needs of the disabled (no barriers).
In connection with the implementation of the project “Academy of new opportunities” No. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, we present the support schedules, at the same time we would like to inform you that the schedules are updated on a current basis. If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 577 666 854.
Schedule – job placement – gr. IV
In connection with the implementation of the project “Academy of new opportunities” No. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, we present the support schedules, at the same time we would like to inform you that the schedules are updated on a current basis. If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 577 666 854.
Schedule – career counseling – gr. V,VI,VII,VIII
In connection with the implementation of the project “Academy of new opportunities” No. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, we present the support schedules, at the same time we would like to inform you that the schedules are updated on a current basis. If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 577 666 854.
Schedule – vocational training – gr. IV
In connection with the implementation of the project “Academy of new opportunities” No. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, we present the support schedules, at the same time we would like to inform you that the schedules are updated on a current basis. If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 577 666 854.
Schedule – job placement – gr. III
In connection with the implementation of the project “Academy of new opportunities” No. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, we present the support schedules, at the same time we would like to inform you that the schedules are updated on a current basis. If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 577 666 854.
Schedule – psychologist – gr. V,VI,VII,VIII
In connection with the implementation of the project “Academy of new opportunities” No. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, we present the support schedules, at the same time we would like to inform you that the schedules are updated on a current basis. If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 577 666 854.
Schedule – vocational training – gr. I, II
Schedule – vocational training – gr. III
In connection with the implementation of the project “Academy of new opportunities” No. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, we present the support schedules, at the same time we would like to inform you that the schedules are updated on a current basis. If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 577 666 854.
Schedule – career counseling – gr. IV
In connection with the implementation of the project “Academy of new opportunities” No. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, we present the support schedules, at the same time we would like to inform you that the schedules are updated on a current basis. If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 577 666 854.
Schedule – career counseling – gr. III
Schedule – psychologist – gr. IV
In connection with the implementation of the project “Academy of new opportunities” No. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, we present the support schedules, at the same time we would like to inform you that the schedules are updated on a current basis. If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 577 666 854.
Schedule – psychologist – gr. III
Schedule – job placement – gr. I i II
In connection with the implementation of the project “Academy of new opportunities” No. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, we present the support schedules, at the same time we would like to inform you that the schedules are updated on a current basis. If you have any questions, please contact us by calling 577 666 854.
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPWP. 07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 entitled: Academy of new opportunities co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020: Priority axis 7: Social inclusion, Measure 7.1. Active integration, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of professional counseling services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPWP. 07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 entitled: Academy of new opportunities co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020: Priority axis 7: Social inclusion, Measure 7.1. Active integration, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of professional counseling services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPWP. 07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 entitled: Academy of new opportunities co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020: Priority axis 7: Social inclusion, Measure 7.1. Active integration, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of professional counseling services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPWP. 07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 entitled: Academy of new opportunities co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020: Priority axis 7: Social inclusion, Measure 7.1. Active integration, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of professional counseling services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.
In connection with the implementation of the project No. RPWP. 07.01.02-30-0229 / 19 entitled: Academy of new opportunities co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region for 2014-2020: Priority axis 7: Social inclusion, Measure 7.1. Active integration, we invite you to submit offers for the provision of professional counseling services for Project Participants, in accordance with the subject of research.