Looking for an employee - Grupa Profesja

Why us?

For our clients, we have prepared a number of services that save time and money. We have specialized in recruitment outsourcing for over 8 years. We operate as an external HR department, hired for the purpose of finding the right employee / employees. During the recruitment process, we are the client’s showcase and we make every effort to ensure that each candidate is served in the best possible way.

How do we do it?

Each recruitment is different and requires really hard work. We will do our best to hire the right employee as soon as possible.

1. Defining the employee profile

Together, we define the necessary soft and hard skills of the person you are looking for.

2. Choosing the right candidate

The preliminary screening of candidatures is our task.

3. Interviews and tests to verify the candidate's competences

We use a variety of techniques as needed.

4. Preparation of recommendations and presentation of the candidate

We choose the best, discuss, recommend and arrange a meeting.

5. Employment and warranty

Success is most important to us.

Do you think recruiting employees is easy? Well no! This is a complicated and very demanding process that you really need to know! Do not hesitate and entrust this task to the Profesja Group, a proven recruitment agency!

We operate throughout Poland. We recruit, among others in Wrocław, Poznań, Warsaw, Kraków, Rzeszów, Szczecin, Łódź, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Gliwice and in many other cities. Our recruiters are an experienced team that reaches even abroad in search of the best candidates. We use headhunting and direct search as well as proprietary methods, thanks to which we quickly acquire valuable candidates.

Grupa Profesja is an effective recruitment with employment guarantee! We present the first candidates within seven working days, we only settle accounts when the recruitment of employees is successful. If our candidate fails, we will find a new one for free!

Looking for an employee