Iga Kopeć - Grupa Profesja

Iga Kopeć

About the trainer

A business advisor with over 10 years of professional experience focused on running projects related to the development of companies (including social economy entities).

She deals with both the creation of new enterprises and the design of products and services for SMEs. In her work, she uses the ability to conduct processes using the Design Thinking methodology and project management methodologies.

She has extensive professional practice in creating, implementing and managing projects - mainly financed from the EU.

So far, she has cooperated with many industries (including production, tourism, Local Government Units as well as non-governmental organizations and social cooperatives).

She willingly shares her knowledge during business consultations, workshops and training sessions.

She is appreciated by her clients for efficiency in action, unconventional ideas and giving them inspiration. Thanks to her previous experience, she is able to efficiently build a development strategy for almost any business, giving it real chances for success.

Nothing is impossible for her. She is characterized by a strong personality that supports clients in moments of doubt, giving them a sense of security and a large dose of positive motivation.


Iga Kopeć

Business Consulting

Iga Kopeć

Design thinking

Iga Kopeć

Development strategy

Additional information

Certificates and training:

  • Design Thinking moderator graduated from Design Thinking Institute.
  • Prince 2 Project Management.
  • Business Advisor for PES (compliant with AKSES).
  • ICF accredited coaching training.
  • Coaching Course.
  • Course for career counselors.

She graduated from the University of Gdańsk with a master’s degree in Law and in Pedagogy.