- Our traders sell well, but they cannot go to a higher level/they cannot defend the price/they cannot win new customers or keep the new ones. What training should we provide?
The training series “The Challenger Sales” is a great solution. Sales in the Challenger model is based on three assumptions according to which there is an increase in efficiency during the sales process:
- Teaching – the Salesperson with the Challenger profile as a “provocateur and teacher” shows his/her customer his/her own business from a new perspective, educates the customer, explains procedures and indicates areas for development or savings.
- Tailoring – the Challenger adapts his/her message, boldly specifying and adapting to the customer’s metaprogram. He/she uses psycholinguistic communication techniques, ensuring that all information is “important” and remembered by the recipient.
- Taking control – the Salesperson is actively involved in the sales process. Because of the values he/she provides to the customer, he/she is not afraid to talk about money. He/she is not afraid to argue with the customer. Their relationship is based on a partnership and business. The sale is not postponed.
- Our employees are not engaged. How to change this?
Nowadays, employees quite often change employers, willingly rotate between enterprises. Such migrations cause problems for many organizations. The main thing is that for employees from the older generation, employment stability matters, so they are willing to work for several years in one company. Today we are dealing with the employee-oriented market, so the young generation feels fairly safe in their workplace and claims that they can quickly find a new job. Moreover, some time ago while looking for a job, peace and stability were sought, and today – development and appreciation.
Therefore, the culture of building employee engagement should constitute a permanent part of an organization and be intensified by managers. System settings the purpose of which is to identify sources of problems, understand the dynamics of a given case, and take an important step towards optimal change turn out to be helpful. What is important, these workshops contribute to a systemic view on a given topic in terms of interdependence and relationships between members of a given system: a family, group of people or a company and organization.
- How to motivate employees?
Employee motivation systems vary between organizations. Forms of building employee engagement depend on the company’s needs, so it is advisable for the manager to adopt a motivating attitude and develop their communication skills. Good cooperation results from effective communication. Support and respect are the foundation of healthy relationships at work. A professional manager should always keep the team updated on important arrangements. During the training “How to manage a team?”, participants will gain practical skills in team management and dealing with crisis situations.
- I have been promoted to manager. How do I manage a team?
Being a manager is a huge responsibility. First of all, you have to confirm that the following statements apply to you: you can make an important decision and take full responsibility for it, you can say no, even when everyone says yes. Difficulties certainly arise when a manager was recently a member of this team him/herself, and employees react with jealousy, do not take him/her seriously, put him/her off.
First of all, the team should be encouraged to cooperate. Good communication turns out to be helpful, everyone should know what their tasks are, what their common goal is and why they have to do it, and what the deadline for a given project is.
Secondly, it is necessary to undergo practical training in the development of managerial competences.
Thirdly, a manager should limit friendships or cool them down so that the team can distance themselves. A manager should remember not to have closer relations with one person, because the rest will see it as a manifestation of favouritism.
The most important thing, however, is to gain employee trust by appreciating their contributions and ideas, as well as helping them develop their talents by strengthening their internal motivation and stimulating engagement.
- How should I organize my own work system?
Theoretically, no one has problems with organizing their own working time. Everyone is able to arrange the order of the tasks that are to be carried out on a given day. However, so that the planned day does not remain only a schedule in your calendar, consider participating in the training “Control your time”. During the training you will learn:
- what time management is and what the difference in managing yourself over time is; you will learn the most important theories and methods of time management and learn to plan according to your values and needs;
- what management tools are, i.e. you will learn how simple and effective you can organize time at work and at home – thus increasing your own professional and personal efficiency;
- what methods are practical; thanks to the training you will learn to live in accordance with the principles of work-life balance. You will identify your personal barriers and time wasters. You will know how to plan goals and how to arrange them in your calendar. You will become more effective – seemingly having more time.
- What are the ways to reduce stress?
Stress manifests itself in various ways, negatively affecting our whole life. The most effective method is the one that works and benefits you. There are many techniques, some are simple, others more complicated, so more effective. For example: listening to relaxing music, breathing exercises, acupressure, massages, diet, biofeedback, Tai Chi, yoga, meditation, sport.
Training in dealing with stress, which is really a journey inside yourself, your beliefs, hidden thoughts, emotions and concentration on being “here and now” is also effective. It will help you connect with yourself, which is extremely helpful when making positive changes in your life. This is a practical workshop during which participants learn what stress factors occur in the work environment and how other areas of life affect stress at work. In addition, participants will gain practical skills to deal with stress and learn how to manage their time to be effective and remain calm.
- How to be more assertive?
The concept of assertiveness in psychology means nothing other than the ability to express your feelings, thoughts and views, taking into account your own boundaries and respecting the boundaries of your interlocutors. Assertiveness is a real art, especially if you often say “yes” when you think “no”.
Assertiveness training is addressed to people who, when meeting people, feel that it is worth taking care of changing their attitude to be more assertive.
The purpose of the training is for participants to acquire competences in the field of assertive behaviour, learning effective forms of communication, acquiring the ability to cope with stress at work and dealing with other people, acquiring the ability to avoid conflicts and difficult situations, dealing with difficult situations, creating an attitude of empathy, opening up to the other person. An important goal is also to develop skills to control/manage you own emotions in professional contacts and personal life.
- How to deal with a difficult customer?
This question is often asked by salesmen. What should I do when dealing with a dissatisfied customer? There are several tips that will help reverse this difficult interaction. First of all, you need to remain calm and develop a specific plan to deal with such situations.
The training we conduct in the field of difficult conversations with customers is focused on transferring not only knowledge, but above all practical skills. Theoretical lectures are limited to the necessary minimum (presentation of the issue, discussion of the theory necessary for participants to understand the content in the form of a dynamic slide show), then we conduct the appropriate exercises during which we develop the most important competences. We focus on practicing individual skills and conversation simulations. We try to focus on what participants cannot do on their own outside the training, i.e. practicing adequate methods and techniques of communication with various types of customers. Simulation games and group exercises are particularly popular tools we use. We assume that participants remember theoretical contents much better, having the opportunity to put it into practice.
- Coaching/mentoring/training on the job – what is it?
These are methods of individual employee development depending on career level.
Mentoring is a process in which one of the persons (carer) bears full responsibility for the development and career of the mentee (usually younger and less experienced). It mainly involves encouragement, advice, feedback, support and monitoring of his/her achievements.
Coaching is a planned process the goal of which is to develop specific competences or achieve the intended goal or results. The coach’s task is to guide the participant with questions in such a way that he/she sets out an action plan with his/her resources on his/her own.
Training on the job (OJT) is a form of support at the workplace, which consists of the individual work of an experienced trainer with the employee during his/her daily duties.
- When and how to change jobs?
If you feel that something has broken inside you; if the work you do is no longer as satisfying as it used to be; if the team irritates you and you avoid your boss; if you fantasize about changing jobs quite often and wonder if it is a temporary crisis, whether it really is worth leaving, or you are stressed and are afraid to make a decision.
During the training “How to deal with professional burnout?” participants acquire knowledge in the field of psychological mechanisms of management in life, learn how to effectively deal with burdens and reduce stress levels, and develop individual mechanisms to deal with difficult situations.
- How to use social media to build a personal brand?
The training “Personal Branding in social media” is a practical workshop during which participants will learn what a personal brand is, what strong character traits accompany a person recognizable in the media, how a brand is built, what is “netizen”, what features a brand has. The second part of the training strictly concerns the practical approach to the topic of social profiles on such websites as: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Participants will learn how to build an image and increase reach using free tools in social media, how to publish an advertisement on FB, Instagram, to reach potential customers for the lowest possible rates, and what posts to publish to engage fans, increase brand recognition and sell.
- How to improve team communication?
Team communication quality is the main determinant of whether we like to be with these people or not. A good atmosphere at work requires understanding and attention to yourself and others. And each of us is different, has different habits, needs and customs. We do not always correctly interpret what lies behind specific behaviour. Participation in the training “Principles of team communication” will allow you to understand diversity and facilitate communication with people we do not understand. Each participant will define his/her dominant communication type and learn the specificity of other types of communication. The workshop can be a separate event (full-scale training) or part of an occasional meeting of company employees.
During the training, participants will find out:
- How to appreciate people and give them a sense of importance?
- How to learn to listen to others?
- What questions to ask to increase the efficiency of the entire team?
- How to resolve conflicts and avoid misunderstandings?
- How not to get caught up in the conflicts of others?
- How to receive and provide feedback?
- How to communicate your needs and set limits for others?
- How to use body language in the process of even better communication?
- How to deal with difficult situations in a team?
- How to manage your emotions and energy decline?
- How to effectively build relationships between departments?
- How to sell by phone?
The training “Methods of effective customer service over the phone” was created for the needs of customers who are looking for effective tools to improve the professional qualifications of their employees. We implement actions aimed at integration, increase of personal and team efficiency, as well as releasing employees’ potential and development of their skills. All this translates into measurable benefits for customers, their satisfaction and motivation. During the training, participants will learn:
- ways to quickly define the problem the customer is calling about,
- effective techniques for dealing with difficult customers over the phone,
- time management principles in a telephone conversation,
- emotion control techniques (both your own and the customer’s) during a telephone conversation.
- How long does this type of training take??
Our trainings usually last 6-8 hours a day. Depending on the thematic scope and the effect that would be achieved, the training may last 1-2 days or longer. Our experience shows that the longer the training (the so-called modular, distributed over time), the higher the efficiency.