Q & A: Projects - Grupa Profesja
  1. Where to look for information about ongoing projects?

Information on currently ongoing projects can be found at the website of Grupa Profesja:


and on the websites of our partners:

– Fundacja Partycypacji Społecznej (Social Participation Foundation): https://fundacja-spoleczna.pl/projekty/

– Międzynarodowa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości (International School of Entrepreneurship): http://wsp.szkola.pl/

– Regional Centre for Social Policy: https://rops.poznan.pl/nasze-projekty/

  1. What criteria should be met to become a project participant?

Access criteria for eligibility for participation in a given project are different for each implemented project, due to additional scoring when a candidate for a project participant fulfils the following premises:

Basic criteria:

  • An unemployed person registered in the Poviat Labour Office
  • An unemployed person not registered in the Poviat Labour Office
  • A professionally inactive person
  • People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
  • Beneficiaries of social assistance benefits in accordance with the act of 12.03.2004 on social assistance or eligible for the aid of social assistance centres

Additional scoring criteria:

  • A person taking advantage of the Food Aid Operational Program (FA OP).
  • A person with a disability with a significant or moderate degree of disability, a coupled disability or people with mental disorders including intellectual disabilities and people with pervasive developmental disorders.
  • People who meet the conditions of poverty, experiencing multiple social exclusion understood as exclusion due to more than one condition.
  1. What documents should be completed to take part in a project?

All recruitment documents and regulations for participation in a given project are also available on the project website in the enlarged print version for visually impaired or blind people.

Required recruitment documents:

  • Application form,
  • Declaration of participation in the project,
  • GDPR statement attachment No. 8,
  • Project agreement,
  • Template of the statement confirming taking advantage of the FA OP,
  • Other statements.

Additional required certificates:

  • Certificate from the Poviat Labour Office on registration as an unemployed person,
  • Disability certificate for review.
  1. Where and in what form should recruitment documents be submitted to qualify for participation in a given project?

Persons interested in participating in a given project may report their willingness to participate in the project:

  1. a) personally delivering recruitment documentation to the project office,
  2. b) filling out the recruitment documentation during the information meeting,
  3. c) by email to the address of the project office,
  4. d) completing the recruitment documentation and sending it by post, courier to the address of the project office.
  5. What forms of support are implemented under the project?

Individual support:

  • Individual career counselling,
  • Individual psychological counselling,
  • Individual job placement.

Support – soft skills:

  • Training: Social Competence Training (3 days for 6 hours),
  • Training: Motivational training (2 days for 6 hours),
  • Workshop with a vocational counsellor (1 or 2 days for 6 hours).

Professional activation:

  • Vocational courses – qualifying in accordance with the Individual Action Plan,
  • Vocational internships lasting at least 3 months.

Social activation:

  • Artistic integration workshops.
  1. Are all forms of support in the project mandatory?

Participation in all forms of support is usually optional and is governed by the rules of participation in a given project, which is prepared for each project individually.

  1. Do I have to pay to participate?

Participation in all projects implemented by Grupa Profesja is free of charge.