Family Constellation Program (eng) - Grupa Profesja

Family Constellation Program (eng)


Family Constellation Program (eng)


Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o. implements a project co-financed from European Funds


The „Family Constellation Program” project is implemented as part of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Social Fund. Axis IV Social innovation and transnational cooperation.

Co-financing from European funds in the amount of 1 099 713,60 zł.

Implementation schedule

The Family Constellation Program will be implemented for a period of 39 months, in 6 stages:

Stage 1: 01/07/2019 – 30/09/2020 Preparation of solutions in cooperation with transnational partners.

Stage 2: 01/10/2020 – 31/03/2020 Testing the developed solution.

Stage 3: 01/04/2021 – 31/05/2021 Analysis of the results of the tested solutions.

Stage 4: 01/06/2021 – 31/03/2022 Development of the final product implementation version.

Stage 5: 01/03/2022 – 31/07/2022 Implementation of solutions into practice.

Stage 6: 01/08/2022 – 30/09/2022 Development of recommendations and instructions for user.

About the project

Project implementation period: from: 2019-07-01 to: 2022-06-30

Project goal: The goal of the Family Constellation Program project is to develop and implement new solutions in the field of creating and implementing public policies, thanks to cooperation with foreign partners.

Project implementation area: Poland

The goal will be achieved through:

  • raising social competences in the field of communication methods and impact on the perpetrator/victim of domestic violence and the ability to intervene under the Blue Card procedure among 90 employees of intervention services and assistance institutions,
  • increasing the quality and availability of services provided to families experiencing violence through training support for intervention workers and assistance institutions,
  • implementation of the new Family Constellation Program (FCP) solution including employee training programs and assistance programs for victims and re-education of perpetrators of domestic violence by 30 entities and its application for minimum twelve months from the end of the project.

The project is implemented in partnership by:

Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o  – Project Leader

The Association VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros biuras – Project partner from Lithuania

The Foundation Nodibinajums “Latvijas Bernu fonds” – Project partner from Latvia

As part of transnational cooperation, two types of project activities are envisaged:

1) exchange of information and experience between partners and maintaining the continuity and durability of a new solution as part of further cooperation after project activities are completed (min. 12 months);

2) developing and implementing a new solution with the participation of transnational partners – close cooperation from the concept creation stage, through the development and testing of a comprehensive solution, to the development of an implementation version for the institution’s users prepared the solution.

Target group:

Under the project, a minimum of 50 solution users and 130 employees will be supported:

  • at stage 2 (testing) of a minimum of 40 employees of intervention services, assistance institutions and other entities participating in the project and recipients of the solution, i.e., perpetrators and victims of domestic violence (about 40 people) directed by testing institutions to participate in intervention sessions under the procedure of Blue card
  • at stage 5 (implementation) of a minimum of 90 employees of intervention services, aid institutions and other entities participating in the project

Who can become the institution’s user of the project?

  1. intervention services: police (examples of positions: district policeman, policemen from the prevention department); family court (examples of positions: court guardian for family and minors),
  2.  assistance institutions: PCPR, ROPS, etc. (examples of positions: social worker, social guardian, family assistant, assistant/carer for the elderly),
  3. healthcare (examples of positions: family doctor, health visitor),
  4.  schools and educational institutions (examples of positions: school pedagogue, school psychologist),
  5.  a non-governmental organization operating in the area of ​​prevention of domestic violence (examples of positions employees/specialists in the field of work with a dysfunctional family, victims, and perpetrators of violence, e.g., psychologist, pedagogue, sociologist, street worker, etc.).

What do the project participants gain?

Project participants will take part in the development, testing, and implementation of the Family Constellation Program solution that will improve the functioning of interventions under the Blue Card procedure. As a result of project activities, a minimum of 80% of employees participating in training and workshops will raise their competences. Thirty-one entities, including the Leader entity, will implement the new solution in the institution’s practice of operation and will apply it for at least 12 months from the end of the project.

What will be created as part of the project?

The project will develop a new Family Constellation Program (FCP) solution that will cover the following areas:

  1. development of assistance programs targeted at victims of domestic violence;
  2. the development of corrective and educational programs for people using domestic violence;
  3. development of social competences of employees of institutions and entities undertaking activities in the field of counteracting domestic violence, among others through:
  • developing effective forms of communication and influencing the perpetrator or victim of violence (including information on the legal effects of using violence and possible forms of assistance to victims);
  • developing standards for motivating employees of various entities to report and document (as part of the Blue Card procedure) situations that bear signs of domestic violence, develop training programs in the field of diagnosing domestic violence and making decisions about the type of intervention.

The solution of the Family Constellation Program will consist of three main elements:

1) training programs for employees of user institutions in 5 thematic areas – modules:

  • Module 1. Family – includes workshop training in methods of diagnosing the phenomenon of domestic violence and forms of therapy/support using innovative techniques, e.g., System Settings
  • Module 2. The perpetrator includes training in forms of communication and impact on the perpetrator of domestic violence
  • Module 3. The victim includes training in forms of communication and impact on the victim of domestic violence (various age categories: children, adults, over 60 years of age; people with disabilities)
  • Module 4. The intervention includes training in the field of assistance services and institutions, types of intervention used in various countries (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia)
  • Module 5. Support includes training on forms of social support for a family experiencing domestic violence, e.g. neighborhood intervention, cooperation, and networking of support institutions (assistance, health services, educational establishments, NGOs).

2)  programs supporting victims and re-education of perpetrators – 2 programs (separate for victims and perpetrators, but with the possibility of combining joint activities with family members experiencing violence), based on elements of methods used by the Applicant and project partners (Lithuania, Latvia).

3) training films – a set of 5 films for 5 training modules indicated at element 1:

  • the first film will illustrate examples of good practices regarding methods of diagnosing the phenomenon of domestic violence (with particular emphasis on psychological and economic violence) and forms of therapy/suport
  • the next 2 films will illustrate examples of good practices regarding forms of communication and impact on the perpetrator and victim of domestic violence (various age categories: children, adults, people over 60 years of age; people with disabilities)
  • the film No. 4 will concern the activities of services and institutions implementing tasks in the field of counteracting domestic violence, presenting examples of types of intervention used in various countries (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany),
  • the film No. 5 will concern forms of social support for a family experiencing domestic violence, e.g. neighborhood intervention, cooperation and networking of support institutions (assistance, health services, educational establishments, NGOs) for the prevention of domestic violence (e.g. against children, women, the elderly, disabled).
Family Constellation Program
Family Constellation Program


Family Constellation Program



Family Constellation Program
Implementation schedule

The Family Constellation Program will be implemented for a period of 36 months, in 6 stages:

Stage 1: 01/07/2019 – 30/06/2020 Preparation of solutions in cooperation with transnational partners.

Stage 2: 01/07/2020 – 31/12/2020 Testing the developed solution

Stage 3: 01/01/2021 – 28/02/2021 Analysis of the results of the tested solutions

Stage 4: 01/03/2021 – 31/08/2021 Development of the final product implementation version

Stage 5: 01/09/2021 – 30/04/2022 Implementation of solutions into practice

Stage 6: 01/05/2022 – 30/06/2022 Development of recommendations and instructions for userFamily Constellation Program (eng)

Stage I


Stage 1: 01/07/2019 – 30/09/2020 (15 months)

Preparation of solutions in cooperation with transnational partners.

We begin the implementation of a transnational project, which aims to increase social competence in the field of communication methods and impact on the perpetrator / victim of domestic violence and the ability to intervene under the Blue Card procedure.

In the period August 2019-April 2020 we want to reach people working professionally or socially with the topic of violence (from the side of victims, participants, perpetrators). We are looking for people who will help us determine what the system looks like and work with this topic in Poland. First we want to meet / talk with such people informally. Then, based on these meetings, a structured interview will be prepared, which will be the starting point for specialist social consultations.

As a result of consultations and transnational cooperation, we will work out a preliminary version of the tool that will support intervention under the Blue Card. We will be able to test and implement these tools as part of the project.

We invite all people who work on the subject of violence and can take a moment to tell us about the situation of victims / perpetrators / participants of domestic violence and about how the help system works in our country, what are its strengths, disadvantages, advantages and deficiencies.

In particular, we turn to employees:

  • intervention services: police (examples of positions: district policeman, policemen from the prevention department); family court (examples: court probation officer for family and minors),
  • assistance institutions: PCPR, ROPS etc. (examples of positions: social worker, social guardian, family assistant, assistant / carer for the elderly),
  • healthcare (examples of positions: family doctor, health visitor),
  • schools and educational institutions (examples of positions: school pedagogue, school psychologist),
  • a non-governmental organization operating in the area of ​​prevention of domestic violence (examples of positions employees / specialists in the field of work with a dysfunctional family, victims and / or perpetrators of violence, e.g. psychologist, pedagogue, sociologist, street worker, etc.).

As part of this stage, a study visit of partners in Poland and methodological workshops will be organized.

The project is implemented in partnership by:

  • Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o – Project Leader
  • Association VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros Biuras – Project partner from Lithuania
  • Nodibinajums Foundation „Latvijas Bernu fonds” – Project partner from Latvia


Stage II


Stage 2: 01/10/2020 – 31/03/2020 (6 months)

Testing the developed solution.

As part of the task, the following actions are planned:

  • Training and workshops for employees of institutions testing new solutions – a series of 10 trainings (each for 10 hours) and 10 workshop meetings aimed at expanding employees’ social competences in the field of communication with an emphasis on the perpetrator/victim of domestic violence, and shaping the skills of intervention in accordance with Blue Card procedure. As part of individual support, consultations are also offered (20 h / 1 UP). In total, 40 people will take part in training and workshops.
  • Testing the solution as part of testing FCP elements, about 40 people will be supported in the form of „intervention sessions in accordance with the Blue Card procedure”. The leader will provide specialist assistance in the area of ​​support and supervision of employees in the testing phase (10 hours/employee).
  • Test process control – for a period of 6 months of testing, tests will be conducted among UPs on the basis of which a report will be prepared.

The project is implemented in partnership by:

  • Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o – Project Leader
  • Association VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros Biuras – Project partner from Lithuania
  • Nodibinajums Foundation „Latvijas Bernu fonds” – Project partner from Latvia


Stage III

Stage 3: 01/04/2021 – 31/05/2021 (2 months)

Analysis of the results of the tested solutions.

As part of the tasks, the following activities are planned:


1) Meetings and consultations of the substantive team – ongoing consultations and discussion of FCP test results (first, transnational partners test elements of the application that are covered, all partners participate in results search results). All partners will become familiar with the test results, expert opinions, and modifications of FCP elements.

2) Specialized consultations (expertise) – development of 2 external FCP expertise, test results, and available solution elements.

The project is implemented in partnership by:

  • Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o – Project Leader
  • Association VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros Biuras – Project partner from Lithuania
  • Nodibinajums Foundation „Latvijas Bernu fonds” – Project partner from Latvia


Stage IV

Stage 4: 01/06/2021 – 31/03/2022 (10 months)

Development of the final product implementation version.

As part of the task, the following actions are planned:

  • Meetings and consultations of the substantive team – ongoing consultations to develop the final version of the FCP solution, taking into account the results of tests in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The team will co-decide on modifications to FCP, while approving the Steering Group.
  • Study visit of partners in Poland (second visit) – as part of a 3-day visit, technical team working meetings, external consultations and participation of transnational partners in interview recording sessions, comments on training videos will be planned.
  • Development of the final implementation version of the solution in the form of 20 training programs, victim support program and re-education of perpetrators (guide), 5 videos and training scripts. Then commissioning educational publishing services for employees of the institution.

The project is implemented in partnership by:

  • Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o – Project Leader
  • Association VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros Biuras – Project partner from Lithuania
  • Nodibinajums Foundation „Latvijas Bernu fonds” – Project partner from Latvia


Stage V

Stage 5: 01/03/2022 – 31/07/2022 (5 months)

Implementation of solutions into practice.

As part of the tasks, the following activities are planned:

1) Implementation training for solution user institutions – implementation of training for employees of 30 solution user institutions (approx. 90 people). Each training will last 4 days (40 hours) and aims to familiarize users with FCP and prepare them to apply FCP solutions in the institution’s practices. Support includes external (with the participation of Leader’s entities and employees), which make a written decision on the implementation and use of FCP for a minimum of 12 months after applying the project.

The project is implemented in partnership by:

  • Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o – Project Leader
  • Association VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros Biuras – Project partner from Lithuania
  • Nodibinajums Foundation „Latvijas Bernu fonds” – Project partner from Latvia

Stage 6: 01/08/2022 – 30/09/2022 (2 months)

Development of recommendations and instructions for user.

As part of the task, the following actions are planned:

1) Preparation of instructions and recommendations – development of summary material for entities that will implement developed FCP solutions in transnational cooperation. The material contains practical guidelines necessary for the implementation of solutions (instructions) and a description of the conditions necessary for long-term use of the product (recommendations).

2) Updating and providing access to educational resources – as part of the task they will also be developed and published on the website.

The project is implemented in partnership by:

  • Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o – Project Leader
  • Association VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros Biuras – Project partner from Lithuania
  • Nodibinajums Foundation „Latvijas Bernu fonds” – Project partner from Latvia


Stage VI

Stage 6: 01/08/2022 – 30/09/2022 (2 months)

Development of recommendations and instructions for user.

As part of the task, the following actions are planned:

1) Preparation of instructions and recommendations – development of summary material for entities that will implement developed FCP solutions in transnational cooperation. The material contains practical guidelines necessary for the implementation of solutions (instructions) and a description of the conditions necessary for long-term use of the product (recommendations).

2) Updating and providing access to educational resources – as part of the task they will also be developed and published on the website.

The project is implemented in partnership by:

  • Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o – Project Leader
  • Association VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros Biuras – Project partner from Lithuania
  • Nodibinajums Foundation „Latvijas Bernu fonds” – Project partner from Latvia

What’s now?



  • The institution where you work has at least 3 years of experience in working with victims or people using domestic violence (women, men, children, people over 65, people with disabilities) and is located in Poland
  • You have 2 years of experience in working with victims or people using domestic violence or against whom there is a suspicion that they experience or use this violence (women, men, children, people over 65, people with disabilities);
  • Do you want to learn about the Family Constellation Program model aimed at employees of aid institutions, the final beneficiaries of which are people affected by domestic violence?
  • Are you curious about the tools supporting communication with the person using violence and the victim of violence?


  • You would like to implement in your professional practice innovative tools / solutions / methods of working with victims or people using domestic violence, developed as part of the international cooperation of Grupa Profesja Sp. z. o. o with foreign partners (Association VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros offices – project partner from Lithuania and the Nodibinajums Foundation „Latvijas Bernu fonds” – project partner from Latvia)? (Discussed methods: Motivational Dialogue, Transtheoretical Model of Change, Bert Hellinegr’s System Settings, Blue Card Procedure, ABCD Emotion Scheme, Stigamot’s Method, Theater of the Oppressed, Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Duluth Model, Family Congress and Biofeedback)
  • Are you interested in a systemic approach to working with the topic of domestic violence and you are curious about how the method (assumptions, elements) of Bert Hellinger’s System Settings can be used in working with a family affected by domestic violence?
  • Do you feel the need for interdisciplinary and inter-institutional cooperation in the field of helping people affected by domestic violence?
  • Would you like to get to know the network of support institutions, non-governmental organizations working in the field of counteracting domestic violence?
  • Do you feel you need to know more about burnout in a career related to providing help in families affected by violence?

Submit your participation in the Program!

Take advantage of free training in one of the five voivodeship cities:

Zielona Góra, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Warsaw

How to apply to the FCP-current project

  • Fill in the application form (link to the application form)
  • Complete the necessary documents (link to the list of necessary documents)
  • Send them to us in the form of a scan in pdf format to the following address: and at the same time by post to the following address: Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o. ul. Sieradzka 4c, 60-163 Poznań.

You can find the documents to be printed here: DOCUMENTS (link to documents)

And here you will find patterns, if you do not know if you are filling in the required documents correctly: MODEL DOCUMENT (link to document templates)

You will learn about qualification for the FCP program as soon as possible by phone, e-mail and from news in the „News” tab on this project page – where you are now reading this, at least 7 days before the first day of training for each group in the above-mentioned cities. There you will also find the institution’s eligibility criteria for the FCP Program.

16.01.2022  Study visit!

Man learns best through experience, right?

On January 13, 2022 – January 15, 2022, as part of the fourth stage – Development of the final product implementation version – of the „Family Constellation Program” project, a study visit of all project partners took place. Together with the project partners from Lithuania – the VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros officeas Association – and the Latvian VšĮ Nodibinajums Foundation „Latvijas Bernu fonds” we held a series of meetings and workshops aimed at summarizing the model development activities. The final model, resulting from this over two-year cooperation, is now ready to be implemented in all aid institutions

Family Constellation Program (eng)Family Constellation Program (eng).   Family Constellation Program (eng)      Family Constellation Program (eng)



As a part of the first task, which involves the preparation of a solution in cooperation with a transnational partner, in the first half of March a study visit was organized between the Leader and the Partner from Latvia and Lithuania. Due to the epidemiological risk in Poland, consultations with a Lithuanian partner took place online via Skype. The visit lasted three days and covered the matters of five modules that were included in the project. Domestic violence affecting children and the situation of their families were the main area of ​​knowledge transfer between transnational Partners and the Leader. The Leader’s Substantive Team would like to thank the Partners for their active participation in the workshops, commitment and a very high level of substantive discussions. Currently, preparations are underway for the next task, which concerns the testing phase of the developed solution.

Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)



As a part of the task of the first FCP project, a study visit was organized between the Leader and the Partner from Lithuania. The consultations will last for four days on the topics of five modules that have been included in the project.

Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)
Family Constellation Program (eng)


We are looking for people working professionally or socially with the topic of violence (from the side of victims, participants, perpetrators). We are looking for people who will help us determine what the system looks like and work with this topic in Poland. First we want to meet / talk with such people informally. Then, based on these meetings, a structured interview will be prepared, which will be the starting point for specialist social consultations.

We invite all people who work on the subject of violence and can take a moment to tell us about the situation of victims / perpetrators / participants of domestic violence and about how the help system works in our country, what are its strengths, disadvantages, advantages and deficiencies.

The „Family Constellation Program” project is implemented as part of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Social Fund. Axis IV Social innovation and transnational cooperation.

As a part of the task of the first FCP project, a study visit was organized between the Leader and the Partner from Lithuania. The consultations will last for four days on the topics of five modules that have been included in the project.

Family Constellation Program

ul. Sieradzka 4 c
61-163 Poznań

tel. +48 61 662 11 60

The project is implemented in partnership by:

Grupa Profesja Sp. z o.o – Project Leader

Association VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros Biuras – Project partner from Lithuania

Nodibinajums Foundation „Latvijas Bernu fonds” – Project partner from Latvia

Family Constellation Program (eng)