Kinga Łajtar - Grupa Profesja

Kinga Łajtar

About the trainer

Trainer, business coach who combines knowledge with experience and continuous self-improvement. She works in business as a team leader on many different projects, thanks to which she has extensive knowledge and skills supported by many successes. In action, she is effective, reliable and proactive. She has been working in sales for over 20 years, as a business trainer for 10 years. She has also been a Harrison Assessment consultant for 2 years. Thanks to this tool, she is able to quickly diagnose the strengths of employees and identify areas for development. Her calling is to work with people whom she loves to inspire in an active and committed way. Challenges at work are her driving force. She has experience in conducting trainings /workshops / coaching in the field of:
  • leadership, leadership for leaders and managers
  • managing teams of people
  • organization and time management
  • B2C, B2B, H2H sales in a broad sense
  • development of skills supporting work on oneself, such as: self-discipline, assertiveness, self-confidence, communication, influencing, working on strengths and talents, creativity, self-presentation and others
She has completed: over 500 hours of coaching sessions, over 800 hours of training, and thousands of hours of training on the job.


Kinga Łajtar


Kinga Łajtar

System coaching

Kinga Łajtar


Additional information

• I level Internal Family System 07.2019 07.2019 metoda coachingowa
• Talenty Gallupa 06.2019 – warsztat wewnętrzny
• Szkolenie i certyfikat akredytacji Harrisona – praca na mocnych stronach 05.2019
• cykl szkoleń i coachingów wewnętrznych dla kadry zarządzającej w firmie Neuca 2016 – 2018
• warsztat z cyklu Szkoła Team Coachingu HPR Group Sp. z o.o „Action Learning” 11.2017
• warsztat „Points points of You” HPR Group Sp. zo.o. 10.2017
• cykl szkoleń „Rozwój samoświadomości i praca z ciałem” Instytut MA-URI New Zeland od 11.2011
• cykl szkoleń „Leadership” dla osób zarządzających zespołami w firmie Mars SP.ZO.O. od 06.2014 – 12.2014
• szkolenie „Ekspertyza finansowa” 08.2014
• szkolenie „Skuteczny Trener: Kreatywność – Zmiana – Efektywność” Grupa Trop (80h) (11.2011-02.2012)
• szkolenie “Lider na Fali“-szkolenie podnoszące kompetencje liderów pracujących z grupami ludzi (04.2010-
11.2010)- grupa Metrum. Tygodniowy rejs po Bałtyku na żaglowcu Kapitan Głowacki- w ramach powyższego kursu
• Szereg szkoleń z zakresu sprzedaży, motywacji, negocjacji, radzenia sobie ze stresem
• 2015 – 2016 Szkoła Coachów grupa SET
• 2011 – 2012 Studia podyplomowe w Wyższej Szkole Psychologii Społecznej w Sopocie, kierunek: „Akademia
rozwoju umiejętności trenerskich”
• 2007- 2008 Studia podyplomowe na Wyższej Szkole Administracji i Biznesu w Gdyni dla kadr zarządzających i
pracowników przedsiębiorstw w zakresie Funduszy Unii Europejskiej
• 1994-1999 Studia dzienne na Politechnice Koszalińskiej, Wydział Ekonomii coaching method
• Gallup Talents 06.2019 – internal workshop
• Harrison training and accreditation certificate – work on strengths 05.2019
• a series of internal training and coaching for the management team at Neuca 2016 – 2018
• workshop in the series Szkoła Team Coaching HPR Group Sp. z o.o “Action Learning” 11.2017
• “Points points of You” workshop by HPR Group Sp. zoo. 10.2017
• series of trainings “Development of self-awareness and work with the body”; Institute MA-URI New Zeland from 11.2011
• “Leadership” training series for people managing teams at Mars SP.ZO.O. from 06.2014- 12.2014
• training “Financial Expertise” 08.2014
• training “Effective Trainer: Creativity – Change- Effectiveness” Grupa Trop (80h) (11.2011-02.2012)
• training “Lider na Fali” – training increasing the competences of leaders working with
groups of people (04.2010-11.2010) – Metrum group. Weekly cruise on the Baltic Sea on the sailing ship Kapitan Głowacki – as part of the above course
• A series of trainings in the field of sales, motivation, negotiation, coping with stress
• 2015 – 2016 School of Coaches, SET group
• 2011 – 2012 Postgraduate studies at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Sopot, major: “Academy for the development
of coaching skills”
• 2007- 2008 Postgraduate studies at the University of Administration and Business in Gdynia for management staff and employees of
enterprises in the field of European Union Funds
• 1994-1999 Full-time studies at the Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Economics